速報APP / 運動 / One Third Umpire

One Third Umpire



檔案大小:711.7 KB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


One Third Umpire(圖1)-速報App

Cricket is a sport enjoyed by more than 2.5 billion people worldwide! It's played in many locations like professional cricket grounds, clubs, beaches, backyards and even indoor hallways if needed. 

Some common elements are disputes around the umpire's decision and losing the clicker but with 'One Third Umpire' your life just got a whole lot more awesome and easier!

One Third Umpire(圖2)-速報App

One Third Umpire is the only tool a square leg umpire will need. It will enhance your cricket game through:

- using the iPhone camera to review cricket appeals

One Third Umpire(圖3)-速報App

- providing a new digital clicker to keep track of balls, overs and wickets

- saving reviews for further analysis and sharing with friends

One Third Umpire(圖4)-速報App

Get your One Third Umpire now. HOWZAT!

One Third Umpire(圖5)-速報App